Monday, January 17, 2011

Sweat it Out: Experience HOT Yoga

Sweat It Out

Hot Yoga is a series of yoga poses done in a heated room. The room is usually maintained at a temperature of 95-100 degrees. As you can imagine, a yoga session at this temperature promotes profuse sweating and makes the body very warm, and therefore more flexible. 

The last thing I crave when I work out is a heated room. But..... in pursuit of a good sweat this yoga trend has many mental and physical benefits. After my first class I had a satisfying feeling of achievement. I finished the class and I left the studio thinking I just completed a successful workout. Usually I leave the gym and I feel like I could have always pushed myself a little harder. Plus, my skin felt absolutely amazing and I slept like a baby that night. I give Hot Yoga an A+ for mental, physical, and emotional health! 

I love love love it!

Try a class:

~Bikram Hot Yoga Mobile, AL

~Destin Hot Yoga Destin, FL

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