Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I Love ___ in Bed

I Love White Noise in Bed! 

Ever since I was a little girl I would go to my Aunt Bonnie's house in Selma, Alabama. I remember the Buster house had a mini fan on every bedside table. When I moved out of my parents house to college I realized that this habit just runs in the family. After college I started to travel overnight with work and ran into a few uncomfortable sleep patterns. Then, 
I would just turn on a bedside fan and immediately feel at home. Not only is a fan a comfort thing for me but I have found that there are also a few interesting health benefits.

Sleep Awareness:

  • Insomnia, which is Latin for “no sleep,” is the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep. Insomnia is also used to describe the condition of waking up not feeling restored or refreshed. 
    Insomnia is more than just having difficulty falling asleep. It is also having difficulty staying asleep through the night.

People who use fans to help them sleep often report that the "white noise" of the fans can reduce or even eliminate disruptive sounds.

~Queen Charlottes Hospital in London found that white noise had a major impact on helping newborns get their Z’s. The study found that 80% of a group of newborn babies fell asleep within 5 minutes when exposed to the sound of a white noise generator.

Checkout this Modern 360 fan

~Using a bedside fan can help you sleep, say scientists at the John Hopkins Sleep Disorder Center in the U.S. They found the fan's low drone blocke out the noise of the traffic and neighbours, also has a soothing effect, lulling patients to sleep.

AND...........White Noise Machines Great for Travel

This is a sleep sound therapy machine from Brookstone. Playing sweet lullabies and nature sounds. Like RAIN - my favorite.

White noise generators help you get to sleep, stay asleep and sleep more soundly. If you’ve been harried lately by a night owl infant, a white sound machine might help both of you get a good night’s rest.

Well.... I'm off to bed! NIGHT

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